IRES srl
Italian Rice Experiment Station

I.R.E.S. - Italian Rice Experiment Station
We develop new rice varieties, produce rice seed and commercialize the best rice varieties in Europe

What is IRES?
IRES (Italian Rice Experiment Station) is a private Research Center specialized in field experiments, rice breeding, seed production, variety development, registration, protection and commercialization in Italy, Europe and other target countries, supporting public Institutes and private Companies in reaching their results in a professional and efficient way.
Founded in 2017, IRES was established in Nibbiola (Novara province), just in the middle of the main rice growing area in Italy among Pavia, Vercelli and Novara provinces. It is a research and experiment station open to collaborations both at public and private sectors, at national and international level.
IRES is specialized in rice breeding and variety development, cultivation in counter-season in South-America, nematode control and purity selection in elite seed lots, yield and observational trials in Italy and abroad.
IRES supports in variety registration, classification and protection in Italy, in European Union and abroad and supports in market analysis, strategic positioning and commercialization of rice varieties in Italy and abroad.
In 2021 IRES srl was founded. It is a new commercial company that brings together the activities of research and experimentation, seed production and certification, creation of supply chains, marketing of paddy and milled rice, promotion and marketing.
We want a future closer to the consumer desires, paying attention to the environment and to quality. We want to create more value on high quality rice for current market and for future needs.
We develop tailor-made solutions, adopt innovative systems and make use of our acquired experience to obtain results in less time and with low cost.
The activities
1. Seed. First Part - Analysis
- Analysis of nematodes in seed
- Analysis of red rice in seed
- Analysis of seed purity (variety cross-contamination and presence of weed seeds)
- Analysis of germination ability
2. Seed. Second Part - Seed Multiplication
- Purity selection through panicle-rows (both for private purposes and for official inspection by the responsible of seed certification)
- Seed multiplication of the "nucleo" seed (breeder seed) of registered, in-registration or protected varieties
- Purity recovery of deteriorated seed lots, infested, contaminated with nematodes or other diseases
- Acceleration of the seed production process through the multiplication of a small amount in counter-season in South America
- Multiplication of seed of the category Prebase, Base, R1 and R2
3. Variety development
- Support in the registration in Italy and abroad of new rice varieties or rice hybrids
- Support in the protection of a new rice variety in Europe at CPVO
- Support in the classification at the Variety Register maintained at Ente RIsi as from Law Decree 131/2017
- Field trials in smal plots or in big plot of on-farm tests
- Conservation in cold room of elite seed lots
- Rice grain measurements
4. Agronomic extension services
- Tests on Echinocloa seeds to evaluate its resistance to herbicide
- Field tests for evaluating herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, seed treatments, biostimulants
- Extension service and support in participation to European calls for funds
- Extension service and support in adhering to SAI (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative) protocols
- Support in adopting precision farming systems
- Soil analysis
- Multi-residual analysis of rice
- Analysis of heavy metals
5. Services to recognize and evaluate fungal diseases
- Confirmation tests for blast and other diseases
- Analysis of different plant parts to recognize the fungal infection
- Analysis of different soil parts to recognize the fungal infection
- Analysis of different seed and paddy lots
- Analysis of fungal infections during conservation, processing or growing in greenhouse
6. Marketing and Communication
- Realization of company tools for communications and for branding, from the study of the brand to the identification graphics
- Support in studying packaging, texts, labeling
- Support in managing the new Italian laws on rice labeling
- Development of web site, their contents and impact media
- Support in developing e-commerce within company platform or external marketplace
- Translation in Italian of contents and technical descriptions
- Development of professional photo services outdoor (on farm) or indoor (photo sets to packages, to recepies, etc.)
- Development of professional videos with drones, company videos, mini-videos for social networks, video recepies
- Supporto in developing company social media (Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, Twitter, Linkedin) with implementation of an editorial plan, contents in Italian and English, maintenance and monitoring of the performance, targeted adv
- Support in the realization of company events
7. Rice courses and tasting
- Basic course on rice with focus on Italian rice
- Professional courses on rice and on sensorial analysis applied to rice
- Discriminant and descriptive test on rice and its derivates
- Market tests and consumer tests
- Cooking shows
- Promotion of the territory of rice production
- Support in rice commercialization and turistic incoming
To have more information please write me an email.
Please, have a look at the "Blog" section for more updates.

Experimental yield test in Italy
October 2018

Evaluation of new varieties in Portugal for commercial purposes
September 2018

Rice hybridization for useful gene discovery
August 2018

Purity selection of crucial seed lots
September 2018
Who I am?
Researcher, entrepreneur, rice taster, writer, but mainly a person with a great passion for rice.
I love agriculture, to know rice worldwide, to meet people, to find solutions, to develop varieties and to diffuse them in Italy and abrad, from field to dish.
I worked as responsible of the Department of RIce Breeding at Ente Nazionale Risi, then as general director in a rice cooperative devoted to rice breeding and seed commercialization in the Mediterranean basin.
In 2015 I founded with other partners Acquaverderiso, the first company in Europe devoted to Sensorial Analysis of Rice.
In 2017 I wrote with Valentina Masotti, the Italian book of rice ("Il Libro del Riso Italiano", in italian), edited by Paolo Massobrio and Cairo Editore.
I teach at a post-college Superior School of rice in Vercelli.
My jobs gave me the opportunity to know rice and rice markets from a deep point of view, in Italy, in Europe and in several countries worldwide.
In 2017 I founded IRES to build a platform able to coagulate different aspects of the same sector. IRES offers efficient systems, professional skills and recognized competence to support companies and Institutes in rice research and market development.

I.R.E.S. as you can see in Google Maps
August 2019

Sowings 2020 at I.R.E.S.
April 2020